Project for UX Design Course with Google (Fictional)

Project Overview

The Problem:

It is important to help our planet. One of the steps is to switch from fossil fuels to electric cars. One of the bigger problems with charging your car is that all charging stations have different brand, with all brands you have to have special key fab, app, contract. Which makes it difficult to use and makes people think twice before getting an electric car.

The Goal:

Create easy to use app that allows user to access all charging stations in the country and help to create plan for longer distance trips when you need to calculate where to charge you car next.

Pain Points:
  • 7 Different Companies

    Currently there are 7 different brands supplying car charges in Norway and all of them require different app, key fab and contract

  • Accessibility

    I want to make the app accessible for drivers - voice command. And connect it to the Smart watch that will nudge the driver when soon is time to charge the car

  • Analize

    The app will analyse bater durability and include weather conditions to ensure correctness of prediction for need for next charge

  • Visual Accessibility

    The apps font size will change when it will detect driving and will only display necessary informations for the driver.



31 yo/ Interior Designer / Norwegian

Shamim is a Junior Interior designer in her new company. She finally is becoming independent. She really want to get herself new car that she saved up for. During doing research she found out about the huge impact that fossil fuels have on global warming and generally on our planet. She decided to look into buying an electric car since she’ve seen a lot of them driving around Tonsberg and she knows that electric cars and much more eco friendly, But during her research Shamim realised that travelling long distances with electric car is not so easy due to different companies owning different charging stations and the need to have different key fabs for each of them. That is a huge No for Shamim since she loves to travel and that’s the main reason why she want to buy a car - to travel



54 yo/ Manager/ Norwegian

Jonathan is well educated man and while making a decision upon which type of car to buy one of his main goals was the be environment friendly. So he decided to get an electric car. As a main provider in a family of 6 he decided to move out of Oslo to Moss where costs of living are much lower. But now he’s facing with every day trips to Oslo (almost 60km daily one way). In the summer car can efficiently drive from Home to his working place. The problem is that in Norway temperatures can sometimes go below -17’C which decreases battery life by 60%. So Jonathan must charge on the way. Unfortunately he has a contract signed only with one charging brand, which means there is only one station on the way where he can charge. Jonathan is becoming frustrated. It would increase his driving experience if he’d be able to use more than one station without necessity of signing many contracts with many providers

LO-FI Prototype:

Screenshot 2022-06-07 at 11.14.04

I want the app to be easy tu use, To be able to warn you and automatically take you to the closes available charger so you don’t have to worry about it.


You can decide what type of charging station you will stop at so that you won’t have to sit in your car and just wait for charging to en


Simple but functional

HOME – 2
Screenshot 2022-06-07 at 11.03.38

Usability Study:

Too many secions in menu
Weather acces would be great

HI-FI Prototype:

Welcome Screen

Created a swipe trough introduction for first time users helping them to get to know the app.


Added visual alerts such as icons and text. (While driving all alerts will be both vised and shown)


Added possibility of connecting app to smartwatch which will make the app more accessible. As well "nudges" will help to alert driver.


Created a webpage where you can create "Trips" seeing where you will need to stop to charge your EV. You can as well access detailed information about battery and other information that app collected while driving.

Visial Identity:

Screenshot 2022-06-07 at 12.21.00



The app will make it more easy to use EV and hopefully help people to switch from petrol fuel vehicles and help the planets environment.

What I learned:

I’ve learned that sometimes less is more.


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